Continuing skills and professional training programs designed to enhance the qualifications and instruct on current unscripted and scripted television and film practices. These are professional skills training courses that pick up where early education and film school programs leave off for students and existing industry workers looking to transition.


The majority of the workers in Hollywood make up the “below-the-line“ community. These are our editors, camera operators, make-up artists, grips, lighting crews; those that bring to life the vision and magic that has historically been attributed to the directors and actors. Unfortunately the diversity we see in this industry falls woefully short of the national average. Together, we can change this.

One of the biggest gaps when it comes to access to opportunity around entertainment, is financial. Whether it’s summer internship at a studio, a job in the mailroom at an agency, or union initiation fees and dues, there are a number of financial barriers to otherwise capable prospective employees.

We can bridge the gaps for individuals
through scholarships and
sponsorships to help get
over the final hurdles
to success


Pairing existing post professionals with mentors will close the gap between career stagnation and professional advancement. Mentees are matched with a professional Mentor with the goal of creating a lifelong connection. These are the critical relationships the entertainment industry is built on.